After getting the lower forks powder coated, the shop didn't reassemble them, saying that the top screw had to be replaced. So, while I was at it, I bought some nice aluminium caps to adjust the spring preload and a pair of WM progressive springs.
Initially, I planned on putting them together by myself, but after finding out that I had to make a special tool to tighten up the innards of the fork, I had to throw in the towel (no welder). Instead I went to my friend Nose who already worked on my engine and together we got the little puppies back together in no time.
Schematics and detailed part list:
Happiness is.....a set of forks to continue the bike build
Initially, I planned on putting them together by myself, but after finding out that I had to make a special tool to tighten up the innards of the fork, I had to throw in the towel (no welder). Instead I went to my friend Nose who already worked on my engine and together we got the little puppies back together in no time.
Schematics and detailed part list:
Happiness is.....a set of forks to continue the bike build