These are extraordinary times. Never in history has there been a time where all of humanity was affected by one single threat. Every country and every individual is feeling the effects of the COVID-19 crisis. In that way, the virus acts as the great equalizer, a role that is usually reserved only to death itself. Rich and poor, famous and common, old and young, race, class, religion...the virus doesn't make any distinction.
Some people will find the loss of control extremely frightening and will go on social media and share their frustration. They will paint a picture of negativity and fear, and in an effort to make sense of it all, they will try to find someone responsible for their situation. They will point their finger at the government, get sucked in by improbable conspiracy theories, blame immigrants, the 5G network, the Chinese, even their neighbors for daring to go out for a walk.
On the other hand, there will be people trying to find a silver lining in these dark times, trying to see the bigger picture. Instead of fear, they will promote messages of hope. They will call for people and for countries to come together and support each other. They will point out that this is a time for sticking together and not drifting apart.
In times like these the true colors of a person become more apparent. Some retreat into their shells, seeking refuge from the chaos and succumbing to fear, others face the threat by looking into the tiger's eyes. Look around and you'll see plenty of examples for both of these reactions.
This is a great time to gain a better understanding of the people around you and society as a whole, but even more so, it's the perfect time to better understand who YOU really are and how YOU are responding to this crisis. Gone are the countless everyday distractions like your busy job, your active social life, hobbies and entertainments. Your new reality is sitting at home by yourself, with yourself and your close family. What are you going to do with this? Maybe it's time to go back to the basic stuff, to what really matters and gain strength from that. Don't see it as a forced deprivation of freedom, but as a chance to become more responsible and thus expand your power. It's the perfect opportunity to use this critical period as a mirror and look within. Don't just care for the well-being of yourself and your own family, but care for your neighbor too, care for the elderly citizens of your town or city, care for those out on the streets without a home or family, care for those who are on the front-line working 12 hour shifts at the hospitals, care for the people in your neighboring country who are maybe less fortunate than you. The great equalizer is teaching us that we are all ONE.
This is a message worth sharing on social media. It's a message that the world and the planet desperately need right now. The world will never be the same after this and in a way I feel it is necessary to shake us up and give us the needed kick out of the complacent rut we were stuck in.
I will not tell anyone whether to stay home or not, but I'll ask you to do the right thing, not just for yourself, but for all others around you.
May we all find the peace in our hearts to overcome the fear and spread hope instead.
I will not tell anyone whether to stay home or not, but I'll ask you to do the right thing, not just for yourself, but for all others around you.
May we all find the peace in our hearts to overcome the fear and spread hope instead.