September 24, 2011

India on an Enfield

Ever wanted to have the adventure of a lifetime and ride across some spectacular landscapes? Ever looked at the news and wondered how you can make a difference to make this world just a little better?

Well, the Australian Kenneth Maginnity found out how. He's planning to ride across India on a vintage Royal Enfield. Follow him here:

"This is a journey I have dreamt of for a many years, the time has come to stop dreaming and start riding. In May 2012, I will fly to Delhi, India to begin my journey.
I'll be riding approximately a 6000km/3500mile across India, from Delhi to Kolkata. Along the way I will be traveling through Kashmir, on to Rajasthan, back to Delhi, over the Ganges River, up to Kathmandu and end my journey in Kolkata
I am excited... I can't wait to see the breath taking scenery, to connect with the Indian people along the way, to eat the exotic foods and experience the fascinating Indian culture."
All donations will go to

Let's give him a hand to fulfill his dream. I've done my part. Are you going to do yours?

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